- Marketing mix and decision to visit Wat Takhian Floating Market, Nonthaburi In the Situation of Covid 19




marketing mix, decision making, Wat Takhian Floating Market, Nonthaburi


The objectives of this research were to 1) study the marketing mix factors of tourists. 2) to study the decision-making factors of tourists, 3) to compare the differences of personal factors with the marketing mix of tourists, and 4) to compare the differences of the personal factors with the decision-making of tourists. Wat Takhian Floating Market Nonthaburi, the sample group used in the study were tourists who came to travel. Wat Takhian Floating Market A total of 400 cases were collected in Nonthaburi and the instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire in the form of a 5-level estimation scale.
The results of the research showed that 1) the personal factors of tourists Most of them were 219 females, aged between 20-30 years, bachelor's degree, single status, average monthly income 1 - 5,000 baht, occupation, student/student 2) marketing mix. Overall, it is at a high level. The aspect with the highest average was the process aspect, followed by the distribution/location aspect, the physical aspect, the price aspect, the product aspect, the personnel aspect and the marketing promotion aspect. 3) The tourists' decision-making factors. Overall, it was at the highest level. The aspect with the highest average was external factors, followed by personal factors. psychological factors and internal factors. 4) Compare the differences of personal factors with the marketing mix. It was found that tourists with different gender, age, status, average monthly income, occupation had different opinions on the marketing mix factors. no different as for tourists with different educational levels There were different opinions on the marketing mix factors with statistical significance at the .05 level.) Comparing the differences of personal factors with the decision-making of tourists, it was found that tourists with different sexes had different opinions on the factors of marketing mix. decision-making was significantly different at the .05 level. Education level, status, average monthly income, occupation were different, they had no different opinions on decision factors.


Author Biography

์Ntapat Worapongpat, Ntapat Worapongpat



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How to Cite

Worapongpat ์. (2022). - Marketing mix and decision to visit Wat Takhian Floating Market, Nonthaburi In the Situation of Covid 19: -. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 3(2), 33–53. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jhsmbuisc/article/view/257396


