Guidelines to resolve the problems of agricultural credit accessing


  • Sansern Srinieng Office of Agricultural Economics
  • Supreepound Yongram


This research aimed to study characteristic and problems of agricultural credit accessing, and guideline to resolve these problems. The research is mixed model research, which include qualitative and quantitative research. There collected data by questionnaires with 400 samples, in-depth interviews, and focus group meeting with 10 times. Data analyzed by frequency, percentage, and qualitative analysis. The results showed that majority of samples got agricultural credit from Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives. The main loan objective was operation of agricultural activities, and most samples could spent loan money to fulfill their objective. The main channel of credit information was community leader. Additional, they suspended debt payment. The problems of agricultural credit accessing included high interest rate, imperfect credit information knowledge, inadequate collateral for credit demand, and borrowing from several source of credit.


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How to Cite

Srinieng, S., & Yongram, S. (2023). Guidelines to resolve the problems of agricultural credit accessing. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 4(1), 13–21. Retrieved from


