The Establishment of Political Party Branches under the Organic Act on Political Parties B.E. 2560 : Opinions and Recommendations


  • Anek Sookdee Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University -


Keyword: Establishment, Political Party Branches, The Organic Act on Political Party B.E. 2560


The objectives of this research were to 1) Study the establishment of political party branches 2) Study the problems and obstacles in the establishment of political party branches 3) Study the recommendations for the establishment of political party branches under the Organic Act on Political Parties B.E. 2560. This research was based on documents and interviews and a qualitative research. The sample group was representatives of the political parties of large political parties medium and small political parties and the Central Election Commission and officials Provincial Election Commission totaling 28 people by selecting a specific sample. The research instruments were interviewed and use descriptive analysis. Data were Content analysis and analyzed descriptively.

           The research found that 1) Political party branches of large political parties medium-sized political party and small political parties Most of them were initiated by people in political parties with political ambitions. By using the method of coordinating with well-known groups, the establishment of a political party branch of a large political party is smoother than that of a political party branch of a medium-sized and a small political party. However, large political parties and medium-sized parties, despite their large membership numbers, tend to form only four political party branches in order to meet the conditions required by law. This is in contrast to smaller political parties that have more political party branches. 2) Political parties Branches of large political parties medium-sized political party and small political parties found problems The barriers to the provisions of the law are the same. but the difference is In terms of budget and personnel. 3) The suggestion is The state and party headquarters should allocate budgets to support the establishment of party branches and should provide party branch committees with regular salaries, and party branches must understand the intentions and essence of the law by those who will apply for party membership.

Author Biography

Anek Sookdee, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University




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How to Cite

Sookdee, A. (2023). The Establishment of Political Party Branches under the Organic Act on Political Parties B.E. 2560 : Opinions and Recommendations. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 4(1), 31–45. Retrieved from


