Creation Printed Media for Public Relations Religious Tourism Places of Wat Wichian Bamrung Phetchabun Province


  • Thayawat Nankhiaw
  • That Meesaengkaew
  • กัญญ์กุลณัช พีรชาอัครชัย -
  • Chonlada Muangthanang
  • Wimonwan Wongsiri


Wat Wichian Bamrung, Religious Tourism Places, Public Relations


Wat Wichian Bamrung is a temple located in Phetchabun Province in northern thailand. The temple is located on a hill. Which overlooks the scenery and within the temple area, there is a large buddha image, peaceful atmosphere nowadays, tourists are more interested in buddhism, such as making a pilgrimage, paying homage to sacred things. to enhance the prosperity by the way, the temple does not have many public relations media. which is not yet known to tourists The purposes of this research were 1) creating printed media to promote religious tourist attractions of Wat Wichian Bamrung Phetchabun Province and 2) to study the satisfaction toward printed media creation to promote religious tourist attractions of Wat Wichian Bamrung Phetchabun Province. The sample used in this study was the general activity of 100 people using the target accidental sampling selection. The tools used in the study were public relations printed media and questionnaires with confidence (Reliability) equal to 0.82. The statistics used in the data analyzed by using the percentage, mean and standard deviation.

          The study found that printed media to promote religious tourist attractions of Wat Wichian Bamrung Phetchabun Province to be the center of religious learning local history and culture It was presented in the form of brochures and postcards. for tourists who come to the temple to bring back as a souvenir Results of printed media satisfaction assessment for promoting religious tourist attractions of Wat Wichian Bamrung Phetchabun Province presented in the form of a brochure and postcard with the high level.


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How to Cite

Nankhiaw, T. ., Meesaengkaew, T. ., พีรชาอัครชัย ก., Muangthanang, C. ., & Wongsiri, W. . (2023). Creation Printed Media for Public Relations Religious Tourism Places of Wat Wichian Bamrung Phetchabun Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 4(2), 62–72. Retrieved from


