Innovator Potentiality and Scientific Mind Enhancement by using Project-Based Learning Management and Coaching for Grade 5 Students

Innovator Potentiality and Scientific Mind Enhancement by using Project-Based Learning Management and Coaching for Grade 5 Students


  • Torchat Sonpray
  • Pornchai Nookaew
  • Karanphon Wiwanthamongkon


Potentiality, Mind Enhancement, Coaching


The purposes of this study were 1) investigate the efficiency of the lesson plan by using Project-Based Learning Management and Coaching. 2) compare the learning achievement of grade 5 primary school students with Project-Based Learning Management and Coaching before and after taking the treatment. 3) study the innovator potentiality of grade 5 primary school students after using Project-Based Learning Management and Coaching, and 4) study the scientific mind of grade 5 primary school students after using Project-Based Learning Management and Coaching. The sample group in this research was 33 fifth-grade primary school students of Watkhowsapairang school in the academic year 2022. The research instruments were 1. Learning management plan, 2. Learning achievement test, 3. Innovator assessment test, and 4. Scientific assessment test. The statistics used to analyze the collected data were percentage, statistical mean, standard deviation, and t-test for dependent samples. The results of the study were found as follows.  Five steps to enhance the innovator potentiality and scientific mind of grade 5 primary school students by using Project-Based Learning Management and Coaching developed by the researcher were step 1: encourage, step 2: assemble experiences, step 3: create the project, step 4: analyze and evaluate, and step 5: publish knowledge. The effectiveness of the learning management plan with Project-Based Learning Management and Coaching was found at the effectiveness standard of 85.18/80.00. The posttest of the learning achievement of students learning with Project-Based Learning Management and Coaching was higher than the pretest at a significant level of 0.05. The students learning with Project-Based Learning Management and Coaching had an innovator potentiality at a good level at 81.01%. The students learning with Project-Based Learning Management and Coaching had
a scientific mind at a good level at 77.28%.


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How to Cite

Sonpray, T. ., Nookaew, P. ., & Wiwanthamongkon, K. . (2023). Innovator Potentiality and Scientific Mind Enhancement by using Project-Based Learning Management and Coaching for Grade 5 Students: Innovator Potentiality and Scientific Mind Enhancement by using Project-Based Learning Management and Coaching for Grade 5 Students. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 4(2), 23–36. retrieved from


