Designing an integrated learning activity combining the Thai language subject with a herb garden
Integrated learning, herbal plants, composing poetry, Klong Si SuphapAbstract
Designing Integrated Learning Activities: Thai Language Subject in Collaboration with a Herbal Garden for Grade 10 Students.This integrated learning activity is designed to develop the skill of composing poetry, specifically "Klong Si Suphap," in the fundamental Thai language subject. Additionally, it aims to promote awareness of the importance and value of herbal plants, which are natural products that have been used by humans for medicinal purposes since ancient times.The activity is divided into four components. 1)Learning about the characteristics of "Klong Si Suphap" poetry. 2) Exploring the wisdom of Thai herbal plants. 3)Understanding the beneficial properties of herbal plants. 4)Creating original poems titled "Herbal Plants Close to Me." This learning activity is designed with a focus on student participation, allowing them to engage in hands-on experiences. It is an integrated approach that combines the skill of composing poetry in the fundamental Thai language subject with a nearby herbal garden. The goal is for students to use the herbal garden as a learning resource and produce media related to herbal plants for practical use. Furthermore, it contributes to the conservation of local herbal plants in Thailand for future generations.
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