Soft Skills: Workplace Skills that are Essential for Graduates in 21st Century


  • vipada yanasan -
  • Saksayan Yaisamsan


Soft Skills, graduates, the 21st century


Soft Skills are very necessary in the 21st century, which are the labor market demands from graduates after graduated. This academic article aims to study Soft Skills and guidelines for developing Soft Skills necessary for graduates in the 21st century as a guideline to preparing for future working’s global changes both now and in the future by analysis Soft Skills content from documents, academic articles, research articles, books and related electronic media through Descriptive Research. In this regard, this academic article found that Soft Skills of graduates who will inevitably encounter in the working world include 1) Personal Skills, 2) Social Skills, and 3) Methodical Skills. Higher education institutions should promote and support the development of Soft Skills in 3 areas for graduates who are graduate by processes 1) Introspective realization of one's life 2) Understanding and associating meaning in life 3) Goal setting for Soft Skills development 4) Soft Skills development and enhancement in one's self 5) Potential assessment from Development of Soft Skills. To be the gateway for success and advancement of graduates in the 21st century.


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How to Cite

yanasan, vipada, & Yaisamsan, S. (2023). Soft Skills: Workplace Skills that are Essential for Graduates in 21st Century . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 4(3), 152–165. Retrieved from


