Philosopher King in Philosophy of Plato


  • Artit Phanphoon Mahamakut buddhist university Isan Campus
  • Aphichit Mueaithaisong
  • Nathaorn Chuachan
  • Monthien Montraphibooly
  • Phra Nathawut Phanthali


Philosopher king, Philosophy of Plato


In Plato's "The Republic" society is divided into three classes: The Philosopher Kings who govern the state. They embody reason and wisdom as their inherent virtues. The Guardians' role is to protect and defend the state, assisting the rulers in governance. Their characteristic virtue is courage. The Producers, or the general populace, are responsible for generating economic prosperity for the community. Their inherent qualities include desire and need. According to the educational system, those who pass specific examinations may ascend in class, while those who do not pass remain within their current course. Consequently, Philosopher Kings have passed theoretical and practical analyses from the guardian class, qualifying them to govern. Theoretically, this passage involves a sequence of education. It is based on comprehensive governance trials to prove genuine governance capabilities. Wisdom is the trait through which the highest form of good (Idea of the Good) is accessed and expressed in a way that can manage governance in the state harmoniously. This brings unity within the state, where everyone merges into a single entity without conflict, following the path of nature. Beyond the educational and selection process, rulers do not have family or property rights, ensuring the absence of competition and the adherence to natural order within the state.


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How to Cite

Phanphoon, A., Mueaithaisong, A. ., Chuachan, N. ., Montraphibooly, M. ., & Phanthali, P. N. . (2023). Philosopher King in Philosophy of Plato. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 4(3), 128–139. Retrieved from


