Community-based learning, Learning management model, Physical therapyAbstract
This study aimed to evaluate physical therapy students' perception of 21st-century learning skills and their satisfaction with community-based education in the course "Community Physical Therapy 1." The study involved 55 third-year physical therapy students using the PAOR process, which includes Planning (P), Acting (A), Observing (O), and Reflecting (R). At the end of the learning activities, students assessed their 21st-century learning skills and satisfaction with the community-based teaching model. Data analysis using mean and standard deviation. The results indicated that students' perception of 21st-century learning skills after the community-based teaching was at the highest level (x= 4.56), with all individual skills also rated at the highest level. Specifically, the highest scores were in ethics, professionalism, and adherence to the code of conduct for physical therapy (x= 4.76) and the application of theoretical knowledge (x= 4.64). Additionally, overall satisfaction with the community-based learning model was also at the highest level (x= 4.66). In conclusion, the community-based learning model in the "Community Physical Therapy 1" course significantly promotes 21st-century skills and students are highly satisfied with this learning model
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