Co-creating value, Effectiveness of rehabilitation process, RehabilitationAbstract
The present study sought to analyze the problems inherent in treatment of drug addicts through the concept of value co-creation, investigate the model for implementing such a concept in the treatment process, and provide guidelines for increasing the effectiveness of the treatment process using this approach. Specifically, it was conducted through qualitative research, drawing upon document analysis of academic articles, research, legal texts, and online information from domestic, i.e. Thailand, and international sources. The data were analyzed using connoisseurship seminars. Additionally, the feasibility was investigated by proposing the practical model for increasing the efficiency of drug abuse treatment through the concept of value co-creation, thereby achieving tangible and practical outcomes of the treatment. The results demonstrated that 1) the issues included a shortage of public health personnel, limited funding, specific legal mandates for certain agencies, and inadequate coordination. 2) The model for integrating the value co-creation concept into drug addiction treatment involved empowering all parties, spanning legal authorities, families, community leaders, and health volunteers, to engage in planning, implementation, and evaluation of all stages of the treatment. 3) To improve the effectiveness of the treatment, the concept of value co-creation should be adopted, with the government holding legal authority and amending laws to enable the involvement of the public and private sectors in all stages of drug abuse treatment.
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