An Analytic Study of precepts and Business in Theravada Buddhism

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ลลิมาดา ศรีจำรูญ
Phramaha khwanchai Hemprapai


This article aims to study the concept of precepts and to analyze precepts and Business in Theravada Buddhism. This is a qualitative research done by studying academic documents. It was found that the precepts are necessary for life and society. It’s the practice of behavior to enhance the conditions of life in harmony with the social environment. An analysis of the precepts and business in Theravada Buddhism found that business involves the individual and the society. According to Theravada Buddhism, it means that the basic morality is the 5th precepts, it is the primary practice in formulating the rules of coexistence. This fundamental principle must reflect the justice that comes and the wealth that occurs in every life in society. While considering the precepts as building a good life and society with doing business focus on a society that needs to be designed so that leaders or executives use business as a means of reaching their goals. By not focusing only on objects that arise from eating well but must focus mainly on the mind.

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How to Cite
ศรีจำรูญ ล., & Hemprapai, P. khwanchai. (2020). An Analytic Study of precepts and Business in Theravada Buddhism . Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 4(2), 34–48. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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