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Maechee Suda Rojanautai
Thannapaporn Hongthong


From the study it is found that the emotional Intelligence’s Daniel Goleman means the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others. The elements of emotional intelligence are included as: - self-awareness, Self-regulation, Motivation, Empathy, Handling emotions in the good relationships

The emotional intelligence in Theravada Buddhism means the wisdom to have the self-awareness which can contact all things in the real, knowledge what we are feeling at the moment or at the self-control and feelings of others by using the skills to live happily with the people. This is showing the right behavior and the goodness. The element of the emotional intelligence is a good mental factor, component with Kusala, an importance principle: -4 Satipatthana (Foundations of Mindfulness), the 4 Iddhipada (path of accomplishment), Hiri Ottappa (the moral shame), Brahmavihara (holy abidings) etc.

For the consistency of the emotional intelligence’s Goleman and in Theravada Buddhism, it is found here are 2 harmonies as follows: 1) meaningfulness, that is a intellectual in the meaning of Goleman, it is the intellectual for living the life called Lokiya-Panna (worldly intelligence). The intellectuality in Buddhism is based on Lokiya-Panna in order to have the liberation and the freedom called Lokuttara Panna (supramundane, wisdom). 2)  The consistency of the element, the elementary of the emotional intelligence’s Goleman and Buddhism is the principle which is the same complement.

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How to Cite
Rojanautai, M. S. . ., & Hongthong, T. (2020). A CONSISTENT STUDY OF THE EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE OF DANIEL GOLEMAN’S CONCEPT AND THERAVADA BUDDHISM. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 4(2), 49–67. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/246208
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