Desirable Virtues of Teachers in Buddhism

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Phramaha Thawin Somtua
Phramaha Makhawin Purisuttamo


This article entitled to study the concept of teacher, to analyze the virtues of Thai Teachers according to Buddhism. This is a qualitative research done by studying academic documents. In the research, it was found that a teacher in Buddhism considers a person who has both external and internal elements. In this one, the teacher must have characteristics that society is trusting, ie, occupation honesty. In the other, the one must be a virtue that is exalted through various people. Socially as reliable It is exalted by disciples and ordinary people. The virtues that teachers should have consist of external and internal elements. The external component consists of 7 Sapphurisadharma and the internal element consists of the Seven Kalaayanamittadram, 4 Ittipatha, 4 Brahmavihara, and the 4 Akati must be avoided, which from this consideration will be found that the morality of the teacher is desirable in Buddhism.

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How to Cite
Somtua, P. T. ., & Purisuttamo, P. M. (2020). Desirable Virtues of Teachers in Buddhism. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 4(2), 156–166. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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