The Problem-Solving Way of Thai SME by Four Noble Truths

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อาชวัน อัศวนิก
Panisara Beamukda


Thai article to study the applying four Noble Truths into Thai SME’S for its firmness. The purpose of this article was to explore the path of developing Thai SME’s stability by Buddhist Integration which focused the content analysis of Tipitaka. The article found that a stabilized SME encourages the overview of an economy for the better way. Because most of Thai people’s earnings come from working in SME’s businesses, the collapse of SME leads to major problems for all of its employees. It also consequences the tax collecting of the qovernment too.

            The usage of four Noble Truths principles on increasing conciousness and meditation to make entrepreneur and all classes of employees a good person that is not overwhelmed by an evil way, will improve the quality of everone’s work in the organization. It also helps to create a good image of the organization. The SME business management plan of a moral entrepreneur will bring to applied Buddha Dhamma into a concrete result. If everybody in the organization can follow the Buddha Dhamma principles until able to reduce or get rid of greed, anger and delusion and the attachment to something or someone or even themselves. They will open their heart and listen to a new idea in order to expand the way of developing work quality. This also creates a good attitude one another in the organization and among colleaques which will bring the SME steadiness or firmness that everyone wishes.

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How to Cite
อัศวนิก อ., & Beamukda, P. (2020). The Problem-Solving Way of Thai SME by Four Noble Truths. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 4(2), 106–123. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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