Environmental Issues of integrating with the Cultivation 4

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จันทร์ธรรม อินทรีเกิด
Boonlert Otsu


This article aims to solve the problem of the environmental issue accordance with the four developments which consist of physical development, moral development, emotional development, and intellectual development. The application is to know the problem that causes harm to environment, the problem causing harm to physical side; it is the increase of industrial growth that is the part of destroying an environment severely and widely. The problem caused by human’s action. The problem is both physical and mental, and it also is included to intellectual problem. That the environmental problems, even though the government has solved and controlled closely with the punishment to one who do mistake such as the catching offenders, the commandment of regulation to specify the framework and to create the activities to promote people preserve the environment, but they could not solve the problems sustainably and effectively. There the creative activities such as the tree planting, the waste sorting, the economical use or reusing are applied by the physical development. The human’s action or behaviors causing the equality, the fair, the law, the regulation or rules are applied by the moral development. That making human having patient, endurance, effort, mindful, and concentration to resolve the problems are applied by the emotional development. The use mindfulness or wisdom as the movement of human’s action or behavior to see the reality, carefulness, knowing the problems and knowing how to solve the environmental problem effectively; this is applied by the intellectual development.

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How to Cite
อินทรีเกิด จ., & Otsu, B. . (2020). Environmental Issues of integrating with the Cultivation 4. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 4(2), 87–105. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmb/article/view/246233
Academic Article


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