Analyze the principles of the Saranyadhamma in Buddhism

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พระมหาพิทักษ์ จิตฺตโสภโณ (สุดเหลือ)
Phramaha Adidej Sativaro (Sukwattanawadee)


Sãraniyadhamma is the principle that appears in the formula. It is the sutra of dhamma, which make people to keep others in mind, and to have in mind the virtues of fraternity. The major ideas of this principle are as follows: 1) to be amiable in deed, openly and in private; 2) to be amiable in words, openly and in private; 3) to be amiable in thought, openly and in private; 4) to share any lawful gains with virtuous fellows; 5) to keep without blemish the rules of conduct along with one’s fellows, openly and in private; and 6) to be endowed with right views along with one’s fellows, openly and in private.

             In analyzing all 6 Sãraniyadhamma principles, it can be seen that The Buddha showed loving-kindness as the starting point of his behavior towards fellow mankind. loving-Kindness is aspiration to make others happy. When people have a strong loving-kindness to fellow mankind, first their loving-kindness leads to good bodily action, verbal action and mental action until abstained from unwholesome 10. Also, when acting mercifully, the acts will lead to generosity and sharing of things, and will then maintain physical and verbal manners in accordance with the precepts. In maintaining the precepts, people adjust their views to be right view and attitude to be truthful, this viewpoint will be something that will help fulfill the lifestyle of one self or the society as a whole, leading to peace and tranquility, and even to greater peace.

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How to Cite
จิตฺตโสภโณ (สุดเหลือ) พ., & Sativaro (Sukwattanawadee), P. A. (2020). Analyze the principles of the Saranyadhamma in Buddhism. Journal of MCU Buddhist Review, 4(2), 142–155. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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