Training Process for Leadership Development: According to Buddhist Ecclesiastical Official Monk Development Project in Songha Administration in Region 10

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Phra Witthaya Yanavetee
Phramaha Khwanchai Kittimethi


The study aims 1) to study the training process of a Program of Sangha Leasers Development in Sangha Administrative Area X; and 2) to study problems, hindrances and suggestions for a Program of Sangha Leasers Development in Sangha Administrative Area X. The study is a mixed methods research between a qualitative method and quantitative one in nature. For collecting qualitative data an In-depth interview is used to collect data from key informants. A questionnaire is used to collect quantitative data from 76 respondents. A content analysis is employed for analyzing qualitative data and statistics including Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation is used for analyzing quantitative data. The result found that:
1. The achievement of the training process for the development in general in each aspect was high from the highest to least, namely, outcomes, behaviors, learning process and reaction respectively and a Program of Leadership focused on the training process emphasizing arts, psychology and participatory process based on the theory of Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica, the principles of virtues of a ruler, good governance and participation.
2. The result found that they had knowledge and ability to manage a Program well, the Program strengthened good Sangha leaders and built up them as good leaders of the community and for the dissemination of Buddhism as well, moreover, the Program was suitable for a modernized Buddhist dissemination, it could have been effectively applied for their work in the scope of Sangha high authorities’ policy, and all participants felt very proud of the participation in.

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