The Approach of Epistemology of Derrida

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Chaiya Sensaenya
Khaimook Laopipattana


This article aims to study the concept of educational philosophy and to create the University’s Educational Management Model in Thai society. This is a qualitative research done by studying academic documents. It was found that normative epistemology comes from reality and appearances. There is the idea that knowledge comes from the originally thought in the mind and the experiences, both of all are the creation of knowledge from the self that considers that Knowledge is true, so it should not find the other meaning. Derrida's epistemology comes from the idea of Deconstruction to reduce the differences between the knowledge derived from opposite assumptions and the science of writing to present information that has not been mentioned because of various science all create a sense of identity and use in the interpretation It is therefore necessary to create writing that will help explain other contexts in social made with the other knowledge.

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Academic Articles


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