A Speech Act and the Ordination in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy

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Mae Chee Dhammadhisthana Pornbandalchai
Praves Intongpan


This article entitled to study the concept of the SPEECH ACT AND the ordination in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy. This is a qualitative research done by studying academic documents. it was found that in the first, the speech act is a concept that explains how we use words to communicate effectually. Second, the ordination in the Buddhism makes the people to be the monk. If the people became the monk, the other people will believe or not. The SPEECH ACT AND the ordination mean to make the people to be the monk. In fact, it could change in own mind but couldn’t change in human being. When they show the monkhood, the other people can believe the monkhood. On the other hand, the ordination included the permission of the ordained person. By the way, the permission to ordain is considered to be independent, but to be live by law and Sangha.

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Academic Articles


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