Judgment of Aesthetic Value: A Case Study of Sitang Buathong Painting

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Phramaha Surachai Jayābhivaḍḍhano
Nopphadon Inphing
Sisikanda Khamkaew


This article is to study the relationship between art and aesthetics, including a related theory, then apply for analyzing the Sitang Buathong’s Painting. Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy which concerns with a theory of beauty as well as beauty of art. The meaning of art is a beauty of aesthetic value which has the related concepts into aesthetics. The analysis of Sitang Buathong’s Painting is as follow: 1) moralism and subjectivism: it affects to emotion of all people in term of proper and improper art Because the painting which impresses the gesture of pointing finger to the orange is improper, it should put both hands together as respect instead; 2) aestheticism and objectivism: it is a beauty of painting which images to contemporary story of the Buddha’s lifetime, present artist idol, and further audiences who impress an emotion to element of art value; and 3) interactionism and relativism: it does not destroy social morality, at least not an erotic art, it is on need to divide as a bad or good art because it is able to attain the value of life. For the term of new body of knowledge, it is found that for subjective aspect, it affects to social morality overall, both in positive and negative. Judgment of aesthetic value has to consider how the most people do in majority. For objective aspect, the purpose of artist, beauty of individual, and reality of society are the qualification which is a judgment of aesthetic value. For relative aspect, the various opinions of people (Subjectivism) that try to understand the qualification of art which is in itself (Objectivism) make them in unit. But such understanding is different according to the instinct of each person, so judgment of aesthetic value is based on probability.

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