Ethics of living together in society

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Sungwan Sroemkaew
Thanee Suwanprateep


Society is to live together in large numbers. Sociology studies whole society in order to see the structure, work and various social relations, such as institutions, classes, social groups, status, norm, order, balance of society. It takes into account the coexistence of humans and society, necessarily considering morality and ethics for living in society for social peace. In the Buddha’s time, social, economic and political evolution were found by agreeing to allocate land to make a living and select the governing body, the King will perform as ruler, Brahamans were leader of religious function, specific works were under supervision of Vasiya and Sudra worked as lower labor. Ethics is virtuous and correct guideline of behavior of both physically and mentally helping the life to live harmonizingly, successfully in work, with discipline, responsibility to duties. There are 2 principles of worldly life; Gharavasadhamma or lay’s virtues and Sangahavatthu 4 or public responsibility. The first virtue guidelines the success of lay life including; Truthfulness, Taming and training oneself, tolerance and generosity. The second virtue consists of giving, kindly speech, useful conduct and equal treatment aims to enable people in the society, small and large organizations live happily together and fostering unity.

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