Panamachadha: the concepts and forms of respect for teachers in the scriptures of Buddhism

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Phramaha Sumate Kittipanno (Suayroob)


This article is intended to present the concepts and forms of respect for teachers in the scriptures of Buddhism. The results of the study showed that the concepts of respect for teachers which are shown in the Tripitaka that are explained in the form of praise speech without conditions but in some places, they are focused on benefits, namely blessings and protection. Neither said speech of praise only for the Buddha or the Triple Gem, but they also are included with power of nature and other sacred things as well. And they have gradually been developed to become a praise speech for the Triple Gem only, later in the time. For the forms of respect for teachers clearly shown at the beginning of the scriptures of the middle class; that is, with commentary and petition etc. In addition, they are also found in Buddhist literature, in which the Pali language is written in Thailand as well. Especially the literature of Phra Sirimangkhalajarn who has written 4 Buddhist scriptures are as follows: 1) Vessantaradīpanī; 2) Cakrvāldīpanī; 3) Sankhayāpakāsakatīkā; 4) Mangalatthadīpanī; which they are shown in the respect for teachers at the beginning of every scripture and with the form of authorship which is the type of poetry or Pachcha using the form of the spell that should be pronounced with all the trochaic that is an art of great authorship. In addition, the incantation of humility of Phra Sirimangkhalajarn is also worth studying, and is an example of authorship with social value, and as an example of knowledge transfer. It is also an example of maintaining a good tradition in writing, and is an example of humility by worshiping teachers.

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