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Phrasupot Dhammawatthano (Yoocharoen)


This article entitled to study the concept of the senses and to analyze senses and enlightenment in Buddhism. This is a qualitative research done by studying academic documents. In the research, it was found that the objective of this article is to show that there is various way to achieve enlightenment by emotional meditation in Buddhism, such as; Maha Satipaṭṭhāna 4 categories. The first one of four is category of contemplation of the body or Kayanupassanā Satipaṭṭhāna which contained 7 groups. Second, category of contemplation of the feeling or Vedanānupassanā Satipaṭṭhāna contained with 9 items. Third, category of contemplation of the mind or Cittānupassanā Satipaṭṭhāna contained with 16 items. The last one, category of contemplation of the mind-objects or Dhammānupassanā Satipaṭṭhāna contained 5 groups. All of 4 categories above can lead us to achieve Enlightenment. In this article, the author brought up how to achieve enlightenment by the topic “Dharma is Senses or Āyatana” to present. That is, the touch between eyes and visible objects, ears and sound, nose and odor, tongue and taste, body and touch, mind and mental objects. Then, the feelings or sensation or Vedanā caused by the six doors above-mentioned. When we insight into Vipassanā meditation or Vipassanā kammaṭṭhāna until we see the impermanence also called Anicca or Anitya. According to the significance of Vipassanā Jñāna, when we reached to Mārga Jñāna, we will be free from the defilements, which are greed (Lobha), hate (Dosa), and delusion (Moha). Following this, the result of extinguished mind or Nirvāṇa which refer to the ultimate defilements abandoning, it’s the way to achieve Dharma to become Arahant the person who finished all duty in Buddhism, and then Nirvāṇa will lead to the end of rebirth. Therefore, Āyatana and Dharma Enlightenment regard as the interesting Dharma classifications because they are very important to Buddhist, such as Phra Rāhula, who attained to be Buddhist saint (Phra Arahant), also the story of a woman called ‘Brahmanee Verahanjanee’, and last the story of Panna the person who attained Dharma by listening to the topic of Āyatana from Lord Buddha. He observed along the Buddha teaching, then he became the person who attained the final sanctification in Buddhism.

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Academic Articles


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