The Disciplinary Rules of Theravāda Buddhism and Mahāyāna Buddhism

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Phrakhrusāgornsuddhidham Dilok Kiṭtitilako
Boonlert Otsu


This article is intended to analytic study of the Disciplinary Rules of Theravāda Buddhism and Mahāyāna Buddhism. By the author interested in the issue that The Sikhās of Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism are the same and how different? Why do the Sikkhā of Theravada Buddhism have only 227 verses? The Sikkhā of Mahayana Buddhism has 250 items. From comparison, it was found that the Sikkhā of both sects have unique characteristics according to the beliefs of each denomination, which the content is not very different. But it is the basic principle of the pattern of behavior and practice for achieving the life of a Buddhist monk of the virtuous monks who are involved in Buddhism in Thailand should support education And compliance with the centipede These are correct both in the ecclesiastical educational institutions. And monks in various temples Both Theravada denominations And Mahayana Wicca which will bring the image of confidence Faith in Buddhist monks and Buddhist institutions in Thai society is strong and stable. In addition, the monks and dharma teachers both in Thailand and abroad. Should have the opportunity to spread the teachings of Buddhism together with the promotion of knowledge and understanding of both sects And abroad.

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