Kruba Wongsa and the Enhancement of Community Strength According to the Five Precepts

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Kunnikar Tangtulanont


Today’s Thai society appreciates material value more than spiritual value. The influx of capitalism leads to the infinite desire; moreover, various media seem to induce unfavorable behaviors such as impatience, selfishness, and exploit. These cause social problems and then turn to be mental problems. However, the problems can be solved by applying behavioral modification according to Buddhist principle. Earnestly practicing the five precepts, the fundamental discipline being well known among Buddhist, results in the peaceful society and maintains proper life. In this article, the author raises the case study of Phra Bat Huay Tom’s community in Lamphun province to represent the advantages of precept practice. The members of this community who are Karen seriously practice the five precepts according to Kruba Wongsa’s teaching : avoiding exploiting others, being vegetarianism, refraining from drinking and selling alcohol beverage which is the cause of heedlessness and brings about immoral behavior. By retaining the good conduct of five precepts, all ten villages of Phra Bat Huay Tom’s community are Key living together in peace.

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