The Lotus and Leaning in Concept Buddhist Philosophy

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Panna Namsagha


This article entitled to analyze the Lotus and Leaning in Concept Buddhist Philosophy. This is a qualitative research done by studying academic documents. In the research, it was found that the lotus related for the longest time with the Thai way of living. Lotus them appeared in the expressions, language, literature, idioms, proverbs and aphorisms as well as the beliefs in Gods. With regard to the naming, the thais believed that the names relation to lotus would bring them happiness and prosperity. In addition, lotus related not only to the sources of knowledge, but also to nutrition and Thai food which were the cultural heritage of the Nation in Thai society. Lotus its flower in Buddhism, There are 3 groups : Ubon Pathum and Buntharik by compare with learning of four Puggala [four kinds of persons] (1) Ugghatitannu = a person of quick intuition ; the genius ; the intuitive (2) Vipacitannu = a person who understands after a detailed treatment ; the intellectual (3) Neyya = a person who is guidable ; the trainable but (4) Padaparama = a person has just word of the text at most ; an idiot.

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Academic Articles


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