Buddhist mediation method of dispute

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Kasem Thitisiddha


This article entitled to analyze the concept of the four prejudices and to analyze management principles of leadership. This is a qualitative research done by studying academic documents. In the research, it was found that the four prejudices as bias: 1) Chandagati : prejudice caused by love or desire. 2) Dosagati : prejudice caused by hatred or enmity. 3) Mohagati : prejudice caused by delusion or stupidity. 4) Bhayagati : prejudice caused by fear. It causes self-righteousness to fail, causing a sorrow, and it is a woe to others as well. So every leader should refrain from four prejudices decisively. Management Principles of leadership should consist of: 1) managing the work in the most productive way. 2) managing the decentralized management of various parts of the organization. 3) Manage the work in a way that can be practiced. 4) Plan ahead in the operation. By virtue of virtue and not biased.

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Academic Articles


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