Gender and Ordination: A Discussion on Bhikkhuni Ordination in Theravada Buddhism

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Phra Worapon Yaponha


This article aims to explore the concepts of gender and ordination through controversies in Theravada Buddhism by studying documents and books. The results of the study found that Ordination in Buddhism is divided into ordination in the form of ordination with clear steps and procedures. having precepts as a practice of each while the ordination in the abstract is the ordination of the mind through mental training. As for gender in Buddhism, it is about equality. and praising women as being wise and virtuous. As for the argument that the ordination of women does not represent gender equality, it considers unequal practices as a view of social inequality. It's not about fair equality. Whereas the consideration of Bhikkhuni ordination as a deterioration of religion is due to social facts that have changed, but the practice is not consistent with the way of life of the Sangha only. It's not about gender at all.

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