Buddhadãsa Bhikkhu’s Explanation of The Hell and The Heaven: An Ontological Analysis

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MaeChee Dhammaadhisthana Pornbandalchai
Phramaha Maghavin Purisuttamo


This research employed the documentary research to study the ontological concept of hell and heaven, to study the concept of hell and heaven of Buddhadãsa Bhikkhu, to critically analyze and examine the ontological concept of hell and heaven of Buddhadãsa Bhikkhu. Through the ontological explanation of hell and heaven, it shows that on the one hand, the hell and heaven really exist in terms of Realism whereby they depend upon the external existence of land and Idealism whereby they depend on the perceptive explanation of mind on the other hand. In this research, it was found that Buddhadãsa Bhikkhu explained the ontology of hell and heaven through two types: 1) the ontology of subjective idealism where they can be perceived by senses, that is, its existence depends on one’s mind, 2) the ontology of realism, that is, its existence does not depend on one’s mind.

The researcher examine the ontological concept and scriptural evidences found that: the aspects of hot and cold belong to the quality referring to the nature of hell and heaven, therefore, they imply the empirical evidences whereby individual can perceive them directly, such explanation becomes necessary to the perception of the existence in terms of certain benefit in order to promote the learning and self-development, the causation regarded as the relation of the existence of hell and heaven under the condition of matter and mind, and the reduction of hell and heaven that may really exist in the possible world to appear in the actual world could be practically made through the individual proof, and such explanation of hell and heaven does not exceed what was prescribed by Tipiṭaka.

          However, if there is the existence of hell and heaven, Buddhadãsa Bhikkhu’s explanation proposed that they should be explained by subjective idealism because they can be empirically verified through individual experience. Consequently, it would give rise the moral development to man and thereby living the meaningful life in the mind moment respectively. Viewed from this angle, Buddhadãsa Bhikkhu’s explanation is qualified as the instrumentalism.

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