An Analytical Study of Simone De Beauvior’s Gender Equality in Theravãda Buddhist Philosophical Viewpoint

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PhraMonton kaenchan
Praves Intongpan


In this paper, an attempt was purposely made to critically study the proposal on gender equality given by Simone De Beauvoir in Theravada Buddhist philosophy. This research employed a documentary research methodology. From the study, it was found that the problem on gender equality is somehow held as the ethical one faced by the present society in general. While trying to solve this problem, one of feminist philosophers, Simone de Beauvoir, clearly pointed out the problem on gender equality which is caused by man through three main issues: 1) difference in taking care of oneself, 2) the ability to think reasonably, and 3) the ability to acquire knowledge between man and woman. In this respect, she proposed two kinds of ideas on gender equality, social status and value of life. From the analysis of the above three causes given by Beauvoir, it was considerably found that, on the one hand, Theravada Buddhist philosophy argued against the issue concerning the difference in taking care of oneself that it is necessary for woman to seek protection from man for the safety reason because in some context of society during the Buddha’s time there were many insecurities, on the other hand, it argued in favour of the issues with respect to the ability to think reasonably and to acquire knowledge between man and woman on the ground that both possess the same five aggregates of existence. Once endowed with the same origin of being a human being, therefore, woman ought to be treated equally.

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Research Article


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