An Analytical Study on the Accessibility of Ratana’s Values in Tipiṭaka

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Wanthipha Sangkasoot
Phra Debvajracarya Thiab Siriñaño
Phramaha Adidej Sativaro
Montree Sirarojananan


This article was aimed at studying the values of Ratana in Tipiṭaka, the accessibility to the values of Ratana in Tipiṭaka, and analyzing the accessibility to the values of Ratana in Tipiṭaka. This study employed the qualitative research done by using the documentary research methodology. The results of the research suggest that: 1) the values of Ratana in the Tipiṭaka have both secular and spiritual values. Ratana for the house-holders is of excellent value benefiting oneself, family and society. Dharma Ratana is of good value for quality mundane living and the value for whom wishing a life of attainment is made, 2) the accessibility to the values of Ratana in the Tipiṭaka is of the followings: (1) the worldly value of the Ratana in the Tipiṭaka can be obtained by conducting the Noble Cakkavatti-vatta, almsgiving, observing the precepts, practicing meditation and building a better economic status according to Dhamma from the Tipiṭaka, (2) the value of Dhamma Ratana in  Tipiṭaka can be obtained by three kinds of wisdom and by the methodology of mundane and supramundane ways, and 3) in analyzing the accessibility to the values of Ratana in  Tipiṭaka, it is divided by the obtaining of the values of worldly Ratana resulted from the research giving rise to the worldly noble lifestyle and the values of the Dhamma Ratana resulted from the research giving rise to the ideal life in Dhamma way.

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