A critique of the Debate on Devadatta as the Buddha’s Rival in Theravada and Mahãyãna Scriptures

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Phra Natthapat Kiccākaro
Phramaha Adidej Sativaro
Phramaha Khwanchai Kittimethi
Prawet Intongpan


This research paper aimed: 1) to explore the debate on Devadatta as the Buddha's rival in Theravada and Mahãyãna scriptures, 2) to analyze the context of the debate about Devadatta as the Buddha’s rival in Theravada and Mahãyãna scriptures, and (3) the criticize the debate on Devadatta as the Buddha's rival in Theravada and Mahãyãna. This research is made by a qualitative method applying particularly on documentary research from Theravada and Mahãyãna Buddhist scriptures. The research results were found that Theravada scriptures and sects that branched out from Theravada are of Dhammakuttika, Mahisãsaka, Sabpatthikavãda and Mũla-Sabpatthikavãda. There appear to be approximately 15 stories of the history of Devadatta in the main legends. The Mahãyãna scriptures, the Mahãsamghika-Vibhaṅga, Lalitavistra, Buddhacarita, and Mahãvastu Avadãna, have only 2-4 stories. As for the Lotus Sutta, it is not mentioned. There are two types of interpretations of the Devadatta: the interpretation done according to the scriptural text and the secularism interpretation. Since the interpretation done according to the text is limited, then it is necessary to use the latter, which reveals that the story of Devadatta's action in schism began with five objects. Devadatta was not a sinner as is commonly understood, but was only a monk who strict in Dhutaṇga. Economic and social developments were influencing the Sangha's practices. Devadatta was concerned about change and therefore had strict observances. But when the proposal was not approved, he and his group split up. The text recorders had to record the texts prohibiting other monks not to see Devadatta as a role model.

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