Bhesajjakhandhaka: A Body of Knowledge in Medicine according to Pharmacy in Vinaya Piṭaka

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Phra Nattanachai Kanyanadhammo/Chandaphol
Thanarat Sa-ard-iam


The objectives of this research were purposely made: 1) to study the structure and the significance of Vinaya Piṭaka, 2) to revise the knowledge of diseases and the causes in Vinaya Piṭaka, and 3) to analyze the knowledge of medicine in Bhesajjakhandhaka through analyzing, explaining, interpreting, and synthesizing documents texts articles leading to academic concept. The results of the study found that: 1) the Vinaya Piṭaka connected with behavior rules, and monastic ordinations was divided into 5 parts Mahāvibhaṅga, Bhikkhunīvibhaṅga, Mahāvagga, Chullavagga, Parivāra, it was not only the rules but also the Buddhist history, 2) Vinaya Piṭaka presented that disease was suffering affected one’s body and mind and divided into 6 groups; skin sickness, wind sickness, stomach sickness, organ sickness, breathing sickness, and so on, which originated from 8 causes, 3) Bhesajjakhandhaka explained 6 groups of medicine allowed by the Buddha such as fermented water, five medicines, herbs, salt, Yãmahãvigaṭ, and other medicines. In Bhesajjakhandhaka, there were two kinds of treatment: curing diseases with herbs and according to the symptoms. The herbs revealed in Tipiṭaka were similar to the texts of Thai traditional medicine. In addition, all-natural resources such as plants, animals, and minerals, were able to compound as medicine.

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Academic Articles


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