Ahosikamma in Kammakathā Khuddakanikãya Paṭisambhidāmagga

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patcharee Boonin


This article was aimed to study Ahosikamma in Kammakathā, Khuddakanikāyassa, Paṭisambhidāmagga through studying information from documents, books, and research.  It was found that Ahosikamma has a specific meaning that there is only the law of actions (Kamma) but it doesn’t have the consequence of action (Vipāka Kamma) including the good action (Kusala-kamma) or the bad action (Akusala Kamma). If the results can't be given within the period and that time has passed then it is considered Ahosikamma. There are three characteristics of Ahosikamma as follows: 1) it’s without the consequence of action because it has already given results, 2) it’s without the consequence of action in the future because the person has attained the status of an Arahanta, 3) the actions no longer produce the consequence of action. As for Buddhism, there is a belief in actions that all beings have their own Kamma. Those who do good deeds will receive good consequences. Those who do bad action will receive bad consequences. The results of action are given in the present, if they don't produce all the consequences in this life, they will continue in the next life. Therefore, the real Ahosikamma does not exist; if the cycle of rebirth still exists, then everybody must receive the consequences of their action. It will fast or slow up to the Sequence of steps of the consequence of action.

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Academic Articles


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