The Role of Loving Kindness as a Tool for Improving Quality of life

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Phramaha Manakamon Kittiyano (Deemeehan)


This academic paper attempts to study the role of Loving Kindness as a supplement for improving quality of life. It is the studies of the numerous documents, including the Tripitaka, Commentaries, and also in Thai and English Texts. The results were found that: The principle of loving-kindness (Metta) in the Sutta. It is a principle that the Buddha taught in giving love to all beings in the world. To be a supplement to improve the quality of life. It is divided into 3 parts: 1) The meaning and goal of loving-kindness (Metta) due to the kindness in various religions in this world, there are focusing on making humans loved, good wishes for each other to live together peacefully. Metta is therefore a universal principle to prevent exploitation in society. The principle of loving-kindness in Buddhism, therefore, has an important meaning and goal, which is to create love and good wishes with a pure heart in living life, is being free from passion, lust, and prejudice. 2) The meaning and goal of quality-of-life development is the need for change to insight the good things occurred in life or society. The “Development” means the process of increasing people’s ability to improve their quality of life. Progress, Security, especially development is essential to the success of individuals and organizations, which is important to individuals present and in the future. 3) Usage of the Love-kindness as a role in improving quality of life, the developing the quality of life according to Buddhist principles, is divided into 4 main categories: moral development, physical development, mental development, and intellectual development. Buddhism is therefore known as a religion that lives with love. Good wishes for each other both in terms of the concepts and methods. The principle of loving-kindness is therefore a basic tool for developing the quality of life and the mind to getting a higher level of morality. Loving-Kindness is therefore a practice that will create value and benefit humans.

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Academic Articles


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