The Development of an Identity and Creation of Cultural Tourist Value of the Ethnic Groups Community in Suphan Buri Province

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Phrakhubaidika Sakdanai Santacitto
Penphan Fuangfooloy
Phattharakul Silparat
Phrakhru Bhavanavaranurak
Dhammaadhisthana Pornbandalchai


This research paper aimed to study: 1) to analyze the identity and way of life of ethnic communities in Suphan Buri province, 2) to develop activities and community products that promote cultural tourism among ethnic communities in Suphan Buri province, and 3) to strengthen community networks for the sustainable development of cultural tourism among ethnic communities in Suphan Buri province. The research is conducted by using a mixed-methods research methodology, combining qualitative research and participatory action research method. This involved studying documentaries, conducting field surveys, holding focus group discussions, conducting in-depth interviews, and organizing seminars for knowledge exchange. The research results were found that the ethnic Karen community has a cultural and social identity suitable for the development of cultural tourism. The community has collectively outlined strategies for the development of cultural products through six tourism bases and the improvement of community lodgings into culturally immersive, clean, safe, and nature-friendly homestays to accommodate tourists. This was achieved through networking and leadership within the community to enhance cultural sustainability and strength in the long term.

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