The Primary School Administration Towards Excellence in Taiyuan City

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Li Yuze
Prasert Intarak


The purposes of this research were to: 1) Identify the factors of primary school administration towards excellence in Taiyuan City, 2) to confirm the factors of primary school administration towards excellence in Taiyuan City. The sample was 19 primary schools. The two respondents from each school were a principal and a teacher with a total of 382 respondents. The instrument for collecting the data was opinionnaire. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and confirmatory factor analysis. The findings of this research were as follows: 1. The factors of primary school administration towards excellence in Taiyuan city were 9 factors: 1) Leadership,2) Strategic Planning,3) Staff Management,4) Resources, 5) Student Focused Processes, 6) Administrative and Operational Results, 7) Staff Results, 8) Partnership and Society Results and 9) Key Performance Results. 2. The factors of primary school administration towards excellence in Taiyuan city were good fit with the empirical data.

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