The Science of Life Forecasting in Theravada Buddhism: an Analysis of Star Power and Karma Law

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Phra Putthinan Rungsiyo (Thanathammarot)


This article was aimed to study the concept of forecasting and to analyze the power of the stars and the law of karma. It was found that the Buddhist philosophy never recorded the birth of the cosmos but is destructions by fire, water and wind but mostly by fire. The Theravadan Cosmos was centered by Phra Sumeru Mountain having suns and moons circled around, having 4 subcontinents as its satellites, etc. The Cosmos was subject to the rules of Tilakknana, too.  As of Astrology in the Theravada was counted as the exit of the belief and the alleviations of emotion and mind for human over thousands of years even before the Buddhist era. Though it may contradict the Buddhist doctrines which offered to belief in the Kamma scripts and self-reliance; His Lord prohibited monks and novices to study and to raise one’s life in animalist subjects. Dissents were subjected to the rule’s ecclesiastical offence However, His Lord permitted to learn lunar calendar to count the date of Pãtimokkha practices and allowed the forest monks to learn constellation subjects.  The astrological influences over the Thai societies because many of them were monetarist and materialist-oriented rather than human values, adherence to luck and fate, and fate riskers, shortage of disciplines, immoderate in life, life rivalry and western-oriented. As such, they prioritized astrology as their exits and as their mind alleviation when they failed what they want.

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