Multiple Intelligences: A Guideline for Developing the Learning of the New Generation

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Phrapalad Somporn Kittisobhano
Penphan Fuangfooloy
Phrakhru Bhavanavaranurak


This article aims: 1) to study the meaning and characteristics of wisdom as presented in the Buddhist Tipiṭaka along with the perspectives of Western scholars, and 2) to analyze suitable teaching approaches for the learning of the new generation. The research is conducted through document analysis. From the study, it was found that pedagogy, or teaching strategies for the new generation, differs from traditional methods and thereby must accommodate students with varying abilities. Enhancing students' learning abilities through the application of pedagogy fosters collaborative work in the classroom. Factors contributing to intellectual development, beyond training in both biological and environmental aspects, include 1) intelligence derived from an individual's biological or genetic makeup, and 2) intelligence acquired from the environment. Crucially, wisdom is an essential tool used in all life processes from birth to death and is the highest instrument in achieving the ultimate goal of becoming a perpetual learner.

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