The administration of computing science subject
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The objectives of this research were to determine 1) the components of the administration of computing science subject, and 2) the factors verification of the administration of computing science subject. The data was collected by semi-structured interview, opinionnaire and factors verification form. The sample of this research consisted of 96 secondary schools of the Office of Basic Education Commission. The respondents in each school were; a school director, a deputy director of the academic administration group, a head of the science and technology learning subject group or a teacher of supervisor computing science subject and a teacher of computing science subject, Complete questionnaires were returned to 81 schools, totally 324 respondents, accounting for 84.38 percent, using the data provider as the unit of analysis. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and Exploratory Factor analysis. The findings of this research were as follows: 1. The factors of administration of computing science subject consist of 5 factors as 1) promoting learning activities, 2) supporting curriculum development, 3) promoting the potential of students and teachers in computing science subject, 4) motivating support from external organizations and 5) teacher development 2. The factors verification of the administration of computing science subject show that all factors were accuracy, appropriate, possibility, and utility.
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