The Paradigm of Educational Administration in the Context of Thai Society in the Era of New Normal

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Banlang Mongklkumnualkhet
Prasert Intarak


This Article aimed to determine the paradigm of educational administration in the context of Thai society in the era of New Normal. This study is document research that involves studying documents and research works related to the paradigm of educational administration, the context of Thai society during the pandemic and as it transitions into the New Normal, includes the new paradigm of educational administration in Thailand. It utilizes data collection methods gathering various sources such as reference documents, primary sources, and secondary sources, which are then examined, analyzed, and synthesized, including interviews with scholars to supplement the missing or significant content that may not be evident in accessible reference documents, afterwards the findings of the study were summarized and presented. The research results were found as follows. Based on the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, which serves as a catalyst for transforming the educational administration paradigm towards the New Normal. It has also accelerated various megatrends, leading to a significant digital disruption as digital technologies have become integral in facilitating socially distanced lifestyles. The educational landscape in the context of Thai society in the New Normal era is characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt educational administration paradigm to align with this context. According to the research findings, the paradigm of educational administration in the context of Thai society in the era of New Normal consists of nine paradigms, namely New Normal Leadership, Collaboration, Community Engagement, Transparent Communication, Resilience, Innovation and Technology Integration, Professional Development, Scenario Planning, and Health and Safety.

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