Executive Leadership That Affects the Effectiveness of Performance of Mahamakut Buddhist University’s Personnel

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Phramaha Kraiwan Jinadattiyo (Punnakhan)


This research aimed: 1) to study the executive leadership of Mahamakut Buddhist University) 2) to study the effectiveness of performance of Mahamakut Buddhist University’s personnel, and 3) to study the executive leadership affecting the effectiveness of the personnel’s performance of Mahamakut Buddhist University. This is descriptive research. The results of the research were as follows: 1. In the executive leadership of Mahamakut Buddhist University, overall, it was at a high level and each aspect was at a high level in all aspects sorted from most to least as follows: acting is a model for personnel to lead themselves, forming a positive thought pattern empowering people to lead themselves Encouraging people to set goals for themselves, encouraging self-leadership through team building facilitating a culture of self-leadership and facilitating self-leadership by giving rewards and constructive criticism, respectively, 2. As regards the performance of personnel of Mahamakut Buddhist University, overall, it was at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was at a high level in all aspects, sorted from most to least as follows: teamwork adherence to righteousness and ethics accumulation of expertise in a career achievement-oriented and good service respectively, 3. In the executive leadership in creating positive thinking patterns facilitating the creation of a culture of self-leadership affecting the operational efficiency of personnel of Mahamakut Buddhist University it was statistically significant at the .01 level and facilitating self-leadership by giving rewards and constructive criticism. In the effective performance of personnel of Mahamakut Buddhist University, it was statistically significant at the .05 level. It was able to predict the performance of personnel of Mahamakut Buddhist University, where it, overall, received 72.9 percent. The adjusted prediction efficiency was .724 and the standard error in prediction was .295. So, it can be put to express relationships in the form of a raw score prediction equation and standard scores as follows:

               = 1.091** + .376**(X4) + .197**(X7) + .173*(X5)

              = .452**(ZX4) + .260**(ZX7) + .205*(ZX5).

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