Administrator’s Role and Scout Management in School Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kanchanaburi

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Natchanon Yongsubanan
Prasert Intrararak


The purpose of this research was to study: 1) administrator's role in school under the Kanchanaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2) scout management in school under the Kanchanaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office 3) the relationship between the administrator's role and scout management in school Under the Kanchanaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The samples were 28 schools under the Kanchanaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The total of 112 respondents. The research instrument was an opinion questionnaire regarding the role of administrators. According to the ideas of Farren & Kaye and scout management criteria in school for organizing scouting activities in schools of the student. The statistics used for the data analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient. The results of the research were as follows: 1) Administrator's role of school under the Kanchanaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office as a whole and each aspect, were at high level arranged from the highest to the lowest as follow: facilitators, forecasters, promoters, evaluator, counselor. For the standard deviation, the value is between 0.62-0.74. The dispersion of the information is low. That means the respondents has the correlated answers. 2) Scout management in school under the Kanchanaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office as a whole and each aspect, was at high level arranged from the highest to the lowest as follow: the management of scout activities, the Boy Scouts, the school administrators, scout director, outstanding performance. For the standard deviation, the value is between 0.68-0.87. The dispersion of the information is low. That means the respondents has the correlated answers. 3) Administrator's role and scout management in school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kanchanaburi as a whole were at high level of relationship between them with statistically significant at the .01.

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