The Administrator Communication and Organizational Climate in The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi

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Adisak Chantabut
Prasert Intarak


The purposes of this research were to determine : 1) the administrators’ communication in schools under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi, 2) the organizational climate in schools under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi, and 3) the relationship between administrators’ communication and organizational climate in schools under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi, The samples used in these research were 28 schools under The Office of Secondary Educational Service Area Suphanburi, There were 4 respondents from each school, consisted of a school director, a deputy director, and 2 teachers in total of 112 respondents. The tools used in this study were opinionnaires based on communication of executives according to the concept of Cutlip, Center and Broom. For the organizational climate based on the concept of Litwin and Stringer. Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic means, standard deviation and Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient. The findings of this research were as follows: 1. The administrators’ communication in schools under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi as a whole was rated at a high level. 2. The organizational climate in schools under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi as a whole was rated at a high level. 3. The administrator communication and organizational climate in school under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suphanburi was significant correlated at 0.01 level.

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