Participative Managemet of Small Sized School in Burapa Suksa School Group Nakonpathom Primary Educational Service Area Office 1
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The purposes of this research were to determine 1) the participative management of small sized school in Burapa Suksa group and 2) the guidelines for developing participative management of small sized school in Burapa Suksa group. The population consisted of 35 teachers of small sized school in Burapa Suksa group Nakhonpathom Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The research tools used were a questionnaire and structured interview form. The statistics used in the reserch were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean. Standard deviation, and content analysis. The research findings were found as follows: 1. Participative management of small sized school in Burapa Suksa group Nakhonpathom Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 is overall at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that it is at a high level in every aspect. By sorting the arithmetic mean values from highest to lowest as follows: commitment, trusting each other, independence in work, and setting goals and objectives together, respectively. 2. Guidelines for developing participative management of small sized school in Burapa Suksa group Nakhonpathom Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, all 4 areas are as follows: 1) Trusting: the school director should accept and trust in the knowledge and abilities of co-workers, trust to assign important work to co-workers. 2) Commitment: support clear teamwork to make co-workers bond. 3) Goals and objectives: pprovide opportunities for all co-workers to participate in setting goals the organization's plans together by using a teamwork process to evaluate and develop results to improve the work. 4) Autonomy: provide opportunities for participants to showcase their own talents, give freedom to work and make decisions in order to carry out various activities of the organization efficiently.
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