Making Friends according to Buddhist principles

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Mae Chee Boonchuay Sriprem
Yota Chaiworamankul


This article aims to study associating with people according to the Buddha's teachings, the persons who you are with must use wisdom to observe the behavior of the persons who you are with. If the persons we are with are a friend encourage one to do the bad action, which is to think only of bad things, saying only bad words and doing only bad things. This is characteristic of a bad person. While a good person likes to be a good friend. It consists of the meritorious actions:  he thinks only good things, speaks only good words, and does good things. This is the characteristic of a wise man. The result of associating with good and bad people is that associating with bad people cancels out both benefits: the present benefits and benefits in the next world. Associating with good people is auspicious. Because associating with good people brings happiness in this world and the next, and the highest benefit is nirvana. Therefore, it is the most auspicious thing in Buddhism.

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