Development of a Buddhist psychology counseling process for cancer patients receiving chemotherapy

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Wasana Chuenjaiwang
Prasit Kaewsri
Phra Maha Suthep Suthiyano


The objectives of this study were: 1) Study the Buddhist Psychology Counselling Process (BPCP) related to psychological suffering of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy; 2) Evaluate the Buddhist Psychology Counselling Process (BPCP) of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. This study used qualitative research applying a documentary research method. Use a summary content analysis method. 1) The results of this study showed that there are five steps of the Buddhist Psychology Counselling Process (BPCP) for cancer patients receiving chemotherapy: 1) Building a relationship consists of making an impression, establishing rapport, creating friendship, being honest and offering support; 2) Exploring causes of suffering: separation, loss of image and the unknown. 3) Understanding suffering includes: fear of loss and detachment, treatment processes, loss of image and fear of dying. 4) Raising awareness of merit and goodwill: thinking of your good fortune and deeds, self-esteem, self-inspiration, self-connection and consciousness. 5) Mindfulness practices include: Breathing exercises, staying present, smiling meditation, Metta Bhavana meditation and Gratitude meditation exercises. 2) The findings from evaluation of Buddhist Psychological Counseling Process for Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy. All seven experts agreed unanimously deemed it highly appropriate overall. When implemented, the results showed that after the patient received Buddhist psychological counseling services. The final results indicated that the BPCP had a positive influence on both psychological and physiological outcomes and health behaviours. Behavioral changes include: 1) improves acceptance of health conditions and illnesses, 2) releases self-attachment, 3) increases positive thinking, and behavioral changes, including 1) Openness and willingness to ask for help from health care providers, 2) Promoting self-care and self-management, 3) positive expressions with themselves and their image, 4) returning to interaction, 5) being mentally stable and accept the truth of life.

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