Guidelines for Developing the Internal Supervision Performance of Watchinwararam (Charoenphonwittayawet) School

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Tawatchai Nilsonti
Nuchnara Rattanasiraprapha


This research aimed are 1) to study the internal supervision operation of Wat Chinwararam School and 2) to develop the guidelines for the internal supervision operation of Wat Chinwararam School (Charoenphon Wittaya Wesem). The population used in this research was divided into 2 types: 12 administrative workers and 27 teaching workers (excluding the researcher). The research instruments were questionnaires and interviews. The statistics used for quantitative data analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, and standard deviation. The qualitative data analysis used content analysis. The research results found that: 1. The overall internal supervision operation of Wat Chinwararam School was at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the internal supervision operation of Wat Chinwararam School (Charoenphon Wittayawet) was at a high level in all aspects. The order of the arithmetic means values from highest to lowest was as follows: supervision operation, supervision planning, evaluation and reporting of results, study of current problems, and creation of supervision tools, respectively. 2. Guidelines for developing the internal supervision operations of Wat Chinwararam School (Charoenphon Witthayawet) has the following guidelines: 1) Administrators and teachers work together to analyze the causes of problems. And summarize it as a report on the problems of the educational institution. 2) A manual for supervision within the school should be prepared. Take the policy of the Ministry of Education as a guideline. 3) Teachers should be given an opportunity to exchange ideas or create a learning community. 4) Knowledge about supervision should be given. Practice supervision in a friendly manner. 5) Should organize activities and award certificates. And work that is an example of good practice should be selected and awarded.

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