The Developmental Guidelines for Buddhism Oriented School Administration of Kongkaram School

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Somsak Paenkoet
Nuchnara Rattanasiraprapha
Khattiya Duangsamran


The purposes of the research were to 1) determine the Buddhism Oriented School administration of Kongkaram School and 2) study the developmental guidelines for Buddhism Oriented School administration of Kongkaram School. This study adopted a descriptive research design. The research sample consisted of 93 officers and 4 monks who teach morality, totaling 97 participants. Two research instruments were utilized: an opinionnaire and a focus group discussion. Frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, and content analysis were applied to statistical data to report findings. The results of this research were as follows:1. The Buddhism Oriented Schools administration of Kongkaram School. In general majority of the results are very good in every way (x̅ = 4.21, S.D. = 0.46) by arranging accordingly from mathematics means with the most to the least as followed: The management of conditions and components, the preparation, the development of TRI SIKKHA (Trinity of Education), the evaluation and dissemination performance, the support and responsibility, the continual improvement and development.       2. There are 11 developmental guidelines for the Buddhism Oriented School administration of Kongkaram School: 1) Setting a webpage of the Buddhism Oriented School. 2) The committee has at least 5 years of experience working at Kongkaram School. 3) The curriculum of the Buddhism Oriented School must have a clear identity. 4) Regularly promote Buddhist activities for students and teachers. 5) Prepare a personnel development plan following Buddhist principles. 6) Create an operations manual for the Buddhism Oriented School that is tailored to the school’s context. 7) Recruit and appoint an advisory committee comprising school, temple, and community representatives. 8) Teaching supervision models must incorporate Buddhist processes. 9) Continuous evaluation of supervision is necessary. 10) Build networks to support the implementation of Buddhism Oriented School activities, and   11) Establish learning centers within the Buddhism Oriented School for those interested in Buddhist studies.

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