The Supervision Education Principles for Non-Formal and Informal Education in the New Normal Period

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Jiraprawat Sriwattanasub
Prasert Intarak


The purpose of this research was to identify the Supervision Education Principles for Non-Formal and Informal Education in the New Normal Period by using the methodology of Ethnographic Futures research: EFR The researcher selected Experts/specialists. The research instruments were Unstructured Interview. The data was analyzed by content analysis. The research finding was as follow: The Supervision Education Principles for Non-Formal and Informal Education after New Normal Period is 5 Principles give the detail 1. Creating an engagement strategy Emphasis on participation of both the public and private sectors, thinking together, planning together, emphasizing cooperation in supervision, participate in implement the suggestions for Improving and develop supervision process policies, as fast as possible. 2. Develop morale, compliment, and positive reinforcement, and encourage for develop their work. 3. Creating a new dimension of concept, new thinking, new doing, seeking the special abilities of each person, provide opportunities to express and develop abilities support the freedom to thinking differently, support paradigmship. 4. Adjudge the academic paradigm. Supervising should up to date on new knowledge such as curriculum development, learning management, Measurement and evaluation educational supervision and research along with exchanging academic knowledge with all agencies involved in organizing non-formal and informal education, Create benefits for target groups of all ages.  5. Creating opportunities for professional development: Self-improvement in accordance with working condition, Inquiring necessity new knowledge, policies, plans, strategies of educational agencies or stakeholders in education management. Share and discussion knowledge among the educational institution or network, develop a professional learning community, bringing knowledge and experience to develop educational institutions, and networks.

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